Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our exhibition in the Roterman-centre in Tallinn.

Fashion empowerment in Turku!

The exciting results of our project will be exhibited in Turku this week-end (14-16.10) - at the Turku Fair and Congress Centre. The Novia students have set up the exhibition and we will also hear interesting discussions of fashion and empowerment. Come and take part in this event!

For more information, please go to:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

To add to Päivi's presentation - design for an ageing population:

New York-based Omhu is a design studio and online retail store aimed at supporting people's abilities as they change throughout life.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Coverage of the Fashion Empowerment seminar @ official Nordic Look website!
Fashion Empowerment – mood neile, kel seda veel pole
Reede, 13 Mai 2011 00:00
Fashion Empowerment on Euroopa 2011. aasta kultuuripealinnade Tallinna ja Turu ühisprojekt, kus löövad kaasa disaini- ja moetudengid Tallinnast ja Turust. Projekti eesmärk on luua praktilist, kuid ilusat moodi neile, kes ei ole moeloojate sihtgruppides.
Üldiselt luuakse tänapäeval moodi vaid valitutele. Ilusad riided annavad hea tuju ja enesekindluse, kuid paljud ei saa endale selliseid riideid lubada. Selleks toimuski Tallinnas kunstitudengite töötuba, kus kuus kolmeliikmelist gruppi tutvustasid ideid, millisele inimestele sooviksid nemad riideid teha. Maikuuks on enamik projekte juba kavandifaasis, tudengid tegelevad sobilike kangaste ja tehnikate otsimisega.
Üks seminaril esitatud ideid on luua kollektsioon nägemispuudega inimestele, kuigi riideid võivad kanda ka kõik teised. Rõivaste põhiidee on teha need materjalidest, mis on katsudes meeldivad - näiteks sametist -, ja lisada neile prindid, mille abil pimedad saavad aru, mis on pluusil kujutatud. Publikule esitatud kavandite seas oli kangaste peale trükitud Braille'i kirjas tiimi nimi Textured Visions.
Grupp tudengeid tuli välja mõttega luua rõivaid kodututele. Neil pole kohta, kus elada ning nad peavad kõiki oma asju endaga kogu aeg kaasas kandma - riided peavad olema neile kodu eest. Selle tudengirühma visioon on luua suured paljude taskutega riideesemed, mida saab vajadusel lahti võtta või jälle suuremaks kokku panna, et neid oleks mugav kanda nii suvel kui ka talvel. Suurim väljakutse selle juures on välja töötada süsteem, kuidas omavahel selliseid rõivad ühendada.
Mõeldud on ka ratastooliga inimeste peale. Selle ülesande on endale võtnud kaks meeskonda. Liikumispuudega inimestele inimesi luues peab mõtlema selle peale, et riided oleksid võimalikult mugavad ja vabad, kuid samas ka ilusad ja moekad. Teiseks peaksid need olema lihtsalt selga pandavad, et ratastoolis inimesed saaksid end ise riietada. Lisaks on mõeldud kingadele, mis oleksid madalad ja paeltega, kuid erilised selle poolest, et on kasutatud palju värve jalavarjude isikupärastamiseks.
Disainist on kujunemas ka osa Euroopa Liidu innovatsioonipoliitikast, mille eesmärgiks on inimkesksus ja võimalikult paljudele sobilike esemete loomine.
13. mail käis Nordic Look'i raames toimunud seminaril "Fashion Empowerment" Euroopa Kultuuripealinn Tallinn 2011 vabatahtlike programmis kaasa lööv Piia Õunpuu. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Team "Happycap" by Sille, Ester and Nina

Target group: Women and men with physical disabilities.
Click on:

Team "Kim Wheel" by Kairiin, Mari and Jenny

Target focus: Wheelchair users
Check for more on:

Team "Simple-Maths" by Miina, Britta, Anu and Liisa

Target: Women going through maternity

Team "Textural Visions" by Henrica, Marta and Ilona

Target group: Visually challenged
Check their project on:

Team "Root System" by Anna, Maria and Karl

Target: Helpful underwear to stimulate the mind 
Check their website at:


Team "Tigusnigel" by Anna, Julia and Zarah

Target group: Homeless people
Check for more on:

Day 5: Here come the target groups...

A sample of a "fun&functional" mindmap by the group "TiguSnigel"

Day 4: Work on the concepts continues...

One of the lecturers, Kati Reijonen, in the middle of a presentation on Empowerment.

Day 3: Research day and meeting the target groups...

Day 2: Brainstorming on target groups - who really needs empowerment?

All great ideas uncovered with the "post-it" method!

Day 1: Getting creative with newspapers and masking tape - developing team aesthetic

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 1 of the workshop in Tallinn

From left to right: Anu, Miina and Britta brainstorming for the creativity excercise
Getting to know each other on day one.
Altogether 19 students from the fields of fashion, textile and leather/accessories design participated in the workshop.

About the project

Fashion shows often deliver a limited view of design as a feast of individualistic creativity that has little or no meaning to the “ordinary” consumers.  While high street fashion steals most of the attention, many “real world” clothing problems remain unsolved.  For instance, elderly people and disabled struggle constantly to find clothes in the mainstream markets that would not only be functional and practical, but also beautiful and empowering. 

“Fashion Empowerment” aims to open a new, more sustainable and human centered perspective to the fashion industry, one that would also involve the users in the design process. 

A group of design students from Turku and Tallinn are working together to find out whether fashion can positively affect the quality of living - can fashion empower people?
The aim is to concentrate on marginalized groups in the society  - individuals that have difficulties in finding suitable clothing in regular high-street fashion store. it was up to the young designers to select a target group they felt most inspiring to work with...

The project is run in cooperation with: